St. Oliver Plunkett Primary Schools annual visit to our sand site
On Wednesday, 15th June the P5 children from St. Oliver Plunkett Primary School paid their annual visit to our sand site. Paul Adamson and Matthew Greer warmly welcomed them. Each child was provided with a hard hat and vest, ensuring their safety throughout the morning.
The children watched Mark O'Hagan skillfully operate the loading shovel, transporting sand with precision. They also had the opportunity to observe the sand being processed through the washing plant into the various different gradings.
Another highlight of the visit was witnessing Jeff Milligan manoeuvring the lough boat and watching the sand pumped out of the barge.
Our little explorers also learned about the wildlife inhabiting the site, hearing about various species along the way. Paul added a geology lesson with the children eagerly collecting as many sand roses as they could find.
A big thank you to Paul and Matthew for organising and to St. Oliver Plunkett Primary School for joining us. We look forward to continuing our partnership in educating the children about the sand industry and the wonders of nature.