High PSV
Hi-PSV aggregate offers a higher level of skid resistance, proving lifesaving when vehicles are required to stop abruptly.
Applications of Hi-PSV asphalt include:
- Motorways
- Dual Carriageways
- Roundabouts
- Road Ends
- School Roads
Demand for our Hi-PSV product extends across the width and breadth of Northern Ireland, mainland GB, Ireland & the rest of Europe.
This product can be exported via shipping ports in Belfast to overseas locations.
Hi PSV material is available from:
+60 PSV – Ballynahinch
+65 PSV – Craigantlet and North Down
All products are produced and supplied to relevant quality standards.
For further information, please contact us on 028 7032 1100 or email sales@northstone-ni.com

One of Northern Ireland's largest extractors of quarry products
For further information, please contact us
Tel: 028 7032 1100
Email: sales@northstone-ni.com