Happy Retirement Lorna
Lorna retires today after 43 years. It all started on 28th July 1980, when she worked as a purchase ledger clerk for Readyuse. Her boss back then was the accountant George Smith, and the MD was Ernie McClure.
There have been a lot of changes along the way:
? Her bosses were Michael Clark, Kara Watt and Andrew Barry
? Her many jobs include purchase ledger, sales ticketing and invoicing for the skip department, concrete sales and haulage invoicing, to name a few. As stated by Lorna, 'The only thing I haven't done for the company is mix the concrete'.
? She started with hand-written ledgers and had to adjust to the computer age with Tetra, Command Alkon and Coins
Now, she goes on to a new chapter in her life, which will involve many more holidays. However, if she spends any more time in Portugal, she will need to apply for residency. Lorna already has a couple of exciting holidays planned.
All at Northstone wish Lorna all the best in her retirement. You will be missed by many.