graduate development programme
On the 18th of September, the graduate development programme launched at The Osprey Hotel, Naas.
The day consisted of getting to know you icebreakers and presentations from senior leaders within the business.
Overall, within Ireland Materials we are delighted to welcome 17 graduates – the class of 2024!
In Northstone Materials, we welcomed two graduates who have recently returned to us following completion of their honours degree courses.
Emma O’Brien joins Rebecca Mitchell in our environmental management team based at Toome and Emma Graham joins Daniel Dempster’s Eastern Division contracts team based at Craigantlet.
Both Emma's join as graduates, having previously successfully completed their placement year within the business.
We wish them both every success as they start their career with Northstone Materials Limited and as they embark on our bespoke graduate development programme.
We are also delighted to have two career mentors on the programme, Pierce Kirwan, and Stephen Smyth.
Pierce will mentor Cormac Boylan (Graduate Mechanical Engineer, Roadstone) and Stephen Smyth, Conor Martin (Construction Management Graduate, Roadstone).